Friday, January 28, 2011

Happy always the shortest 

Love you always the happiness thing that i ever had ! 

Am I a good boy friend? No, i don't think so..

Should say that i'm a bad boy friend ! 

I'm in love with a girl that i love the most..

You're the only one i love, the only one..

The last one i selected. 

But the happiness always come short to me, to us..

Maybe the sweetest part in our hearts only for a moment..

The sweetest thinking, the sweetest way to talk..

Really hope it will come back to us, it's sweet..

For now, i changed..

From all my question from you, i think i know what you need..

Maybe others thing you still not need it, then we don't do it..

Just do whatever you want =]

This is the best punishment for me..

Should endure when i near with you..

Hope that this changed will happy for you^^

Just hope that we'll forever..

My responsible is to love you..

Be the one most love you..

Hope that i can sacrifice everything because of you

Till the day i used up all of my energy, and dead because of you..

Actually i'm heartache, my heart super pain..

I don't know how suppose to endure to don't touch you..

To don't kiss you, i can't do it actually...

But should punish myself being a bad boy friend..

And now i'm gonna be a good boy friend

Start from here - Punishment and endure 

I won't kiss you and touch you anymore..

And can't see porn, can't " TFK " anymore...

Should a good boyfriend ^^

I know for a normal boy this kind of thing really hard to be endure..

Some of it change gay also ==

But i just wanna you happy, wanna love you more..

I should change all things ^^

When i see you happy then i happy ^^

Hope i can give happiness to you =]

I will left the best for you, and the bad for me..

I will be a filter paper, to filter all the bad from you..

Give you my best ^^ 

Forever started here..
Responsible started here..
A changed started here..
A punishment..
An endure..

Hope all thing can done it ! 

I love you <3 

End =[


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